University of Washington Tacoma
Campus Map

Credit: History Link,
Founded in 1990, the UW Tacoma campus history extends much further back. Many of the buildings were built in the 19th and 20th centuries, and are a testament to Tacoma's industrial past. The campus is centered around the Prairie Line trail, a railway that was also the center of this industrial hub 100 years ago.

The Prairie Line Trail
Credit: Joe Wolf
Credit: Tacoma Arts

The Pinkerton
Credit: Joe Wolf

This 3-D map was created using LiDAR data that were created for the UWT campus. Polygons of the campus buildings were created in an editor session from a satellite mosaic I created, then given a height using zonal statistics and the LiDAR data to establish a Z-value. Building heights were also verified with an on-site analysis and ground-truthing session. Several building heights were corrected to reflect their true relationship to neighboring buildings, remedying errors in LiDAR data and statistical analysis.
To learn more about the UWT campus history, visit the university website:
You can download my full map of the UWT campus here